2023 Portfolio Website

Web Development

Tech Industry


    #Website_Development #Custom_coding #3D

Cutting-Edge Design Showcase: Takeon Portfolio Website

Project Overview:

Client: Takeon - Design Agency

  • Platform: WooCommerce

    Utilized WooCommerce for seamless content management and e-commerce integration.

  • Custom Coding for Uniqueness

    Implemented custom code to enhance website functionality and appearance. Tailored the user experience to reflect Takeon's avant-garde design ethos.

  • 3D View for 3D Elements

    Integrated a cutting-edge 3D view feature for a captivating exploration of 3D design elements. Elevates the portfolio experience, showcasing Takeon's commitment to innovation.

  • Immersive Design Galleries

    Structured design galleries to offer a visually immersive experience. Prioritized user-friendly navigation for effortless exploration.

  • Dynamic Content Management

    Enabled Takeon to easily update and manage their portfolio content. Ensured the website stays current with the latest design projects.

  • Visually Stunning Layout

    Designed a visually appealing and cohesive layout to reflect Takeon's design aesthetics. Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.

Ready to Showcase Your Design Excellence? Contact us to elevate your online presence with a bespoke website that reflects your unique style.

©Behive Digital Agency