2024 Sportwear E-shop

Web Development - Consulting


Sen7 Shop

    #Website_Development #Consulting

Top Ping Pong Equipment

Project Overview:

Precision in Table Tennis

  • Anastasion Senseven (Sen7 Table Tennis)

    A distinguished Table Tennis coach known for expertise and accolades in the field.

  • Website Design Approach: Simplicity - Well Designed

    Crafted a simplistic yet well designed e-shop to emphasize the key aspects of Sen7 Shop

  • Awards and Achievements

    Dedicated section highlighting Anastasion's notable awards and achievements in the world of Table Tennis. Communicated expertise and credibility to potential clients.

  • Clean and Minimalistic Layout

    Opted for a clean and minimalistic design to maintain focus on essential information. Ensured an uncluttered user interface for a seamless browsing experience.

  • Mobile Responsiveness

    Ensured the website's responsiveness across devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. Prioritized a consistent and user-friendly experience..

©Behive Digital Agency